
    Students Achievements

    She selected in Inspire Manak Award 2024

    Tanjal Gupta
    Km. Tanjal Gupta Student

    He try to Paint Vidyalaya Wall With the Help of Students.

    SANOJ KUMAR BHARATI is art education teacher in the Vidyalaya
    Mr. Sanoj Kumar Bharati TGT AE

    He encourage students abut Science and Mathmentics Olympiad. a number of Studetns are registered on these Olympiad and He help them to prepare for the examination.

    Aman srivastava
    Mr. Aman Srivastava PRT

    He Teach Students about new trends and technology and arrange hands on learning.

    Piyush Kumar Mishra is a Work Education Teacher in the Vidyalaya
    Mr. Piyush Kumar Mishra TGT WE

    He successful conduct hindi Pakhvada in the Vidyalaya form 1 to 15 september

    Ravinder Kumar Sharma
    Mr. Ravinder Kumar Sharma TGT Hindi

    She Achieve student of the month award for the month september in her class 10th.

    Priya Gupta
    Km. Priya Gupta Student

    She Achieve student of the month award for the month september in her class 9th.

    Annu Gupta
    Km. Annu Student